Here's a bunch of random photos from the rest of my spring break back home in Southern California. At this point they're rather disjointed, but I'll try to narrate for you as best I can. Let's go back to balmy California a few weeks earlier…
Started off one sunny morning driving down PCH (convertible top down, blasting Miguel's Arch N Point - which will make a nice soundtrack to this post, go have a listen) to Rose Bakery Café in Corona del Mar, Newport Beach for the "California" breakfast burritos stuffed chock full of eggs, cheese, bacon, avocados, spinach, and hash browns. Rose was one of my favourites in high school and it was so good to be back. I think my friends from out-of-town were chuffed about how "Californian" and delicious it was too.
We then rolled down Marguerite Ave to Corona del Mar Beach, where we climbed over rocks to the not-so-secret secret cove (where there were some rowdy tourists and some handsome rock-climbing locals.
Basically we just had a big wander over the beach: down the jetty a bit, across the sand, and up a cliff towards "Inspiration Point."
Santa Monica:
Balboa Pier:
I am the queen of awkward candids.
Random photo-taking at Fashion Island whilst eating ice cream. And a mockingly serious #selfie.
P.S. I don't know how they're showing up on your browser, but to me my photos look a tad under-saturated compared to how they look before I upload them (I use flickr as a host). If you have any insight on this, it'd be great to know! (Everything is set to sRGB like it should be.)
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